The Kraft family and New England Patriots Foundation are excited to partner with Bank of America to continue a program called, "Community Captains." This charitable initiative was created to build deeper relationships with nonprofits and strengthen the impact on the populations they serve. Over a two year period, the Patriots Foundation and Bank of America will work closely with six new nonprofit organizations, with a goal of establishing a deeper understanding of their community efforts and to help each charity serve their constituents more effectively.
Over the next two years, the Patriots Foundation and Bank of America will work closely with six new nonprofit organizations, with a goal of establishing a deeper understanding of their community efforts and to help each charity serve their constituents more effectively.
A total of $300,000 in donations will be granted to the Community Captains, including $50,000 for each organization. In addition to financial support, each of the nonprofits will receive in-kind donations, visits from the Patriots Foundation and Bank of America, access to additional support including Bank of America's Better Money Habits program, and much more.

Blue Star Families – New England Chapter
Blue Star Families empowers families to thrive as they serve. They are committed to strengthening military families by connecting them with their neighbors to create vibrant communities of mutual support.

Bridge Over Troubled Waters – Boston, Mass.
Bridge Over Troubled Waters provides effective and innovative services to run away, homeless and high-risk youth, helps youth avoid a lifetime of dependency on social services, guides youth towards self-sufficiency, and enables youth to transform their lives and build fulfilling, meaningful futures.

My Brothers Table – Lynn, Mass.
The mission of My Brother's Table is to nourish their community through hospitality, free meals, and unconditional love. Founded in 1982 MBT, the largest soup kitchen on the North Shore, has provided over 6 million hot, free meals and outreach to men, women and children in need. The Table has served 2.7+ million meals since the pandemic began.

Friends of the Children – Roxbury, Mass.
Friends of the Children is a national nonprofit organization that selects and invites youth – all of whom have unique talents, interests and dreams, and face multiple systemic obstacles – to be paired with a paid, professional mentor called a Friend. We hire and train Friends to support our youth from as early as age 4 through high school graduation – 12+ years, no matter what.

New England Center and Home for Veterans – Boston, Mass.
The Mission of the New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV) is to equip Veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness with the tools for economic self-sufficiency and to provide them a path to achieve successful and dignified independent living.

Rhode Island Free Clinic – Providence, R.I.
Founded in 1999, the Rhode Island Free Clinic's mission is to provide free, comprehensive medical care and preventive health services to adults who have no health insurance and cannot afford those services; and to serve as an educational training site for aspiring health care professionals.

Abby's House – Worcester, Mass.
Abby's House (Abby Kelley Foster House, Inc.) was founded in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1976. The nonprofit organization provides shelter and affordable housing, as well as advocacy and support services, to homeless, battered, and low-income women, with or without children.

The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts – Hatfield, Mass.
Since 1982, The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts has been feeding their neighbors in need and leading the community to end hunger. They provide food to members in Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire counties.

Girls, Inc. of the Valley – Holyoke, Mass.
Their mission is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold by providing them the opportunity to develop and achieve their full potential. Their vision is of an equitable society where gender equality is a reality, and girls can grow up healthy, educated, and independent.

La Colaborativa - Chelsea, Mass.
La Colaborativa is committed to empowering Latinx immigrants to enhance the social and economic health of the community and its people; and to hold institutional decision-makers accountable to the community.

Sojourner House – Providence, R.I.
The mission of Sojourner House is to promote healthy relationships by providing culturally sensitive support, advocacy, housing, and education for victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking; and to effect systems change.

UTEC – Lowell, Mass.
UTEC's mission and promise is to ignite and nurture the ambition of the most disconnected young people to trade violence and poverty for social and economic success. Today, the nonprofit serves Lowell, Lawrence, and Haverhill, and is nationally recognized as a model agency serving justice-involved young adults.