Two weeks ago in our Debate Friday segment, my PFW colleague, Andy Hart, and I argued whereMatt Casselranks among current NFL quarterbacks. I had him in the top five; Andy, in the top 15.
We then asked you, the fans, to join in the debate by ranking your top 20 QBs from a selected list of 40. Here are the results from the thousands of votes we received:
- Cassel was rated a top-five quarterback by more than a quarter of respondents (27.5%)
- Nearly 6 out of 10 respondents (58.5%) felt Cassel was a top-ten QB
- Better than three-quarters of fans (76.7%) ranked Cassel in the top 15
- Eighty-three percent (83.4 %) voted for Cassel among their top 20 quarterbacks
And despite his season-ending knee injury a season ago, Tom Bradystill rates highest among fans who participated in our poll. Brady overwhelmingly received more first-place votes than any other player on the list.
The top five QBs (followed by the second-place finishers in each slot) were as follows:
Number 1: Tom Bradyā 88.1 % (Peyton Manning ā 4.6 %)
Number 2: Peyton Manningā 59.5 % (Matt Cassel ā 9.8 %)
Number 3: Drew Breesā 27.3 % (Ben Roethlisberger ā 15 %)
Number 4: Ben Roethlisbergerā 13.5 % (Drew Brees ā 12.6 %)
Number 5: Philip Riversā 9.9% (Donovan McNabb ā 8.4 %)