Junior Patriots Cheerleader Anika is always looking to bring a smile to others. Whether she is helping in the community, performing on stage as a competitive dancer, being a princess for candidates in the Miss RI Scholarship Organization, or playing soccer, Anika shares her smile to help and celebrate others.

Along with her family, Anika supports Good Night Lights for Hasbro Children's Hospital, the Special Olympics Penguin Plunge, Toys for Toys, Treats for Troops, RI Food Bank, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Ronald McDonald House. Most recently, Anika has donated several of her paintings to a local nursing home to remind residents that they have not been forgotten during this difficult time.

Anika has also kept her light-hearted spirit up by keeping busy at home with her family. She organizes lessons for her family to play school, where she is the teacher. Anika choreographs dance routines for her mother, father and grandmother to learn during "dance class". She also enjoys baking and playing games with her whole family.
Kudos to you Anika!