Junior Patriots Cheerleader Ava Joy is extremely hard working and determined. This year she made the honor roll both terms and was named a Peer Leader at her middle school. At CheerFactor, she was the youngest member of the World's Level 6 Team (elite top level in All-Star Cheer).

Ava came to her parents over the last month and said that she wanted to start a business to help those in need. That idea quickly evolved into LoveAmerica Brands (loveamericabrands.com) which launched on April 9. Her first product, the LoveAmerica bracelet, is handmade at her kitchen table. To date, Ava has made and sold over 150 bracelets and has raised $1,000.00 for the Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund. She hopes that her efforts will help us all get through this crisis together.